James Bond is a fictional British Secret Service agent created by former intelligence officer and author Ian Fleming in 1953. His famous character featured in 12 novels and two short story collections before producers Albert R. ‘Cubby’ Broccoli and Harry Saltzman brought Bond to cinema screens for the first time in 1962.
In the 2006 Blockbuster Casino Royale, Bond’s actions cause Le Chiffre – a terrorist financier whose damaged left eye weeps blood, to lose $100 million belonging to a rebel group. Played by Daniel Craig, 007 enters a high-stakes poker game in Montenegro where the arch-villain intends to recoup his losses. Frustrating Le Chiffre’s plan by winning the $115 million pot, Bond’s victory has vicious consequences.
Struck by The Perth Mint from 1oz of 99.99% pure silver, this coin is issued as legal tender under the authority of the Government of Tuvalu.
The Perth Mint will release no more than 2,500 of the James Bond Casino Royale Casino Chip 2023 1oz Silver Coloured Coin in Card.
The coin’s reverse portrays a coloured poker chip. Designed to closely resemble the $100,000 chip seen in the movie, it features the inscription ‘CASINO ROYALE’ and the famous 007 gun logo.
The coin is housed in a Casino Royale themed presentation card
CASINO ROYALE © 2006 Danjaq, LLC and United Artists Corporation. All Rights Reserved.